
We offer consultations to discuss your individual needs and recommend the most suitable treatment options. Our practice offers a wide range of treatment options based on both natural and conventional approaches. We specialise in the use of mistletoe, black hellebore and low-dose naltrexone to improve the health and quality of life of our patients.

Mistletoe Therapy

Natural Support for Cancer

Mistletoe therapy is an alternative treatment method for people with cancer. It is based on the use of extracts from the mistletoe plant and aims to harness the effects of these extracts on both cancer cells (cytotoxicity) and the immune system (immunomodulation). This unique combination allows mistletoe therapy to positively influence the course of the disease in many ways.

Mistletoe therapy has the potential to inhibit tumour activity, strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. It can help to improve the quality of life of cancer patients, relieve pain and possibly alleviate the side effects of conventional cancer therapies. The therapy can reduce the likelihood of recurrence and extend survival time.

In addition to its use in cancer, mistletoe therapy has also proven effective in other conditions such as rheumatism, osteoarthritis, endometriosis, pain syndromes and even colds. Mistletoe is often used as a gentle and natural support for the immune system to help the body fight disease and promote overall well-being.

Hellebore (Christmas Rose)

A Healing Plant with Remarkable Effects

The Christmas rose, also known as Helleborus Niger, is an extraordinary plant that has a wide range of applications in natural medicine. The roots of the Christmas rose contain special substances that can be helpful for a variety of health problems. It is used, among other things, for cancer, depression, dementia, anxiety disorders, endometriosis, cachexia and tumour pain.

Apart from these applications, the Christmas rose is also used in traditional medicine to treat gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. It can help to relieve digestive problems, combat respiratory infections and alleviate colds. The diverse range of applications of the Christmas rose makes it a remarkable healing plant in the world of natural medicine.

LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)

A Promising Treatment Option

Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) has gained in importance in recent years and is increasingly being considered as a treatment option. It is a low dose of the drug naltrexone, which is normally used to treat addictions. However, in low doses, LDN has the potential to have a positive effect on a number of autoimmune diseases and chronic pain. LDN has been shown to regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body.

The use of LDN can be considered for a variety of conditions, including multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and other autoimmune diseases.

Our team is at your disposal to determine the appropriate dosage and application individually, so that you can benefit as much as possible from this promising therapy option.