Diagnostics & Laboratory Analyses

We offer the following diagnostic options and laboratory analyses: Gene and epigenome analyses, hormone tests, toxicity tests, microbiome analyses and detailed blood tests.

Gene Analysis: Nutrition Genome®

Gene analysis for optimising metabolism

The Nutrition Genome analysis offers a revolutionary way to better understand your own metabolism and optimise your health. With this genetic test, you can discover your individual genetic characteristics that influence metabolism, hormone functions, detoxification processes and other biological processes in our body. Based on the results, you will receive individual dietary and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your specific genetic predisposition.

Dr. med. Baráth is certified by Nutrition Genome as a consultant for your genetic results. In a personal consultation, your Nutrition Genome Report will be discussed together with your blood values, other test results and your health goals.

Hormone Analysis: DUTCH-Test

Analysis for optimising hormone balance

The DUTCH-Test (dried urine test for comprehensive hormones) enables comprehensive diagnostics of sex and adrenal hormones by measuring their metabolites. In addition, melatonin (antioxidant and sleep hormone) and breakdown products of various neurotransmitters, the daily cortisol curve, markers for B vitamins, glutathione (master antioxidant), intestinal flora, neuroinflammation and oxidative stress are measured. The test can be used, among other things, for stress management, perimenopausal symptoms, monitoring hormone therapy, male hormone problems, clarifying the cause of cancer, sleep disorders, depression and neurological diseases.

For the DUTCH test, a urine sample is taken using the test kit. After analysing the laboratory values, we evaluate your results and on this basis recommend a specific treatment to you.

Organic Acid Test

The key to a comprehensive health analysis

The Organic Acid Test (OAT) is a highly specialised urine test that provides important information about a person’s health status. By carefully examining urine samples, the internal metabolic processes in the body are closely examined and possible biochemical imbalances are uncovered. The OAT can be used to identify factors such as mitochondrial dysfunction, micronutrient deficiency and the state of the digestive system. It can also provide clues to the presence of intestinal fungi or pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the OAT provides information about the function of neurotransmitters, brain function and the body’s detoxification ability.

The OAT is extremely versatile and can be of great benefit for a wide range of health problems. These include digestive problems, chronic fatigue, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cancer, autoimmune diseases and many other health problems. It serves not only to identify problems but also to plan and adjust therapy approaches in a targeted manner to improve individual health and well-being.

Environmental Toxin Analysis

Analysis of body toxicity from heavy metals, mycotoxins, organic and inorganic pollutants

Environmental toxins such as heavy metals, mycotoxins (fungal toxins), organic and inorganic toxins can enter our bodies in a variety of ways in everyday life and have serious health consequences. The analysis of environmental toxins can help to identify health-endangering pollutants and remove them from the body again through appropriate countermeasures.

We will be happy to advise you individually according to your needs and your health status on the Durchführung einer entsprechenden Umwelttoxinanalyse. Based on the results, we will recommend a targeted and carefully planned detoxification programme to you. At the same time, we will advise you on how to avoid further exposure to environmental toxins in the future.

Microbiome Analysis

Stool test to determine the composition of the intestinal flora

Microbiome analysis is a method of examining the intestinal flora. The number and type of microorganisms in the intestine are determined. This allows the balance of the intestinal flora to be assessed and possible health-relevant problems to be identified. A healthy intestinal flora contributes to the strengthening of the immune system and the prevention of various diseases.

Based on the results, we will recommend an individual approach to how you can optimise your microbiome and thus increase your overall well-being.

Stool test to determine the composition of the intestinal flora

Microbiome analysis is a method of examining the intestinal flora. The number and type of microorganisms in the intestine are determined. This allows the balance of the intestinal flora to be assessed and possible health-relevant problems to be identified. A healthy intestinal flora contributes to the strengthening of the immune system and the prevention of various diseases.

Based on the results, we will recommend an individual approach to how you can optimise your microbiome and thus increase your overall well-being.

Epigenetics Analysis: neotes bioAge-Test®

Epigenetics analysis to determine biological age and susceptibility to diseases: neotes bioAge-Test

Based on the latest scientific findings, this innovative test enables the determination of biological age and susceptibility to various diseases. The analysis is carried out using artificial intelligence on the basis of biochemical markers such as the methylation of your genes. In this way, factors such as chronic inflammation, oxidative stress and DNA damage can be identified that can play a role in diseases and the acceleration of the ageing process.

We will be happy to help you with the individual evaluation and interpretation of your results and recommend appropriate lifestyle changes and additional treatments accordingly.